Press Release
Technology empowerment, innovation and intelligent manufacturing into the future
--Mr. Wei Liu, President of MIcable, was invited by Fujian TV for the interview of "Fujian Today"
Release time:2020-06-24 Author:MIcable Browse times:1306

On May 26, 2020, Mr. Wei Liu, President of MIcable was invited to be the guest of Fujian TV Economic Channel's "Fujian Today". This is a provincial media program focusing on Fujian's economy and undertakings, comprehensively displaying the achievements of Fujian's social construction and recording the characteristics of Fujian's social development. This time, as a highly concerned "excellent development enterprise in the province", MIcable was invited to participate in the field interview of this special program. 

Innovation drives production 

Mr. Wei Liu introduced the establishment and development of MIcable, the world's leading technology and characteristic products, as well as the corporate philosophy of MIcable all the time, "Product is the king, technology decides the future". 

Create Chinese brand and set the industry benchmark 

With more than ten years efforts, MIcable has been recognized by more and more international and domestic customers by continuous innovation of products and technology, integration of global resources. At the same time, MIcable is also exploring a way to combine capital and high technology, seizing the market opportunities in 5g, high-speed data communication, mobile and IoT, microwave millimeter wave, high frequency radio, artificial intelligence, radio instruments, and military electronic equipment, to provide customers with the best solutions. Our goal is to become the world’s leading supplier in the field of high-end microwave & millimeter wave cable assemblies, connectors, high-speed data cable assemblies, broadband ultra-wideband passive components! 

2020 is an extremely difficult and challenging year for the world, but it is also a year full of opportunities and hopes. In the first half of the year, under the difficult environment of the epidemic, we worked together to overcome many difficulties, which not only resumed production as quickly as possible , ensured the smooth delivery of customer orders, but also continuously launched new products and realized the rapid growth of orders. With the revision of the new website, I hope that in the second half of the year, we can still work together and grow against the challenge!
