Press Release
In Oct. 2019, Mr. Wei Liu, CEO of MIcable, was invited by European Microwave week 2019 to make a workshop entitled "Wideband High Resolution Phase-Amplitude Controlled modules/networks and their Applications in 5G "
Release time:2019-10-09 Author:MIcable Browse times:2579

European Microwave Week 2019 is a six day event, including three cutting edge conferences and one exciting trade and technology exhibition featuring leading players from across the globe. EuMW 2019 provides access to the very latest products, research and initiatives in the microwave sector. As part of the Week, the ninth annual Microwave Applications Seminars (MicroApps) invites Industry elites / companies and well-known experts to submit a technical paper or industry workshop to present during the conference. The topics should focus on state-of-the-art products, technologies, and design techniques, as well as general concepts and processes of interest to the RF/microwave community.

Mr. Liu Wei, CEO of MIcable was invited to make the workshop entitled "Wideband High Resolution Phase-Amplitude Controlled Modules/Networks and their Applications in 5G " due to the innovation of the product. He introduced “Wideband High Resolution Phase-Amplitude Controlled Modules/Networks” and their applications in 5G test system.
