Cable Assemblies
DC~50GHz high performance test and connection cable solutions for 5G
Release time:2019-09-16 Author:MIcable Browse times:1306

C29F Series cable assemblies are specially developed for 5G testing and connecting application. They use 0.086 inches flexible 80% propagation velocity low loss phase stable cable, special rugged low cost stainless steel connector design, and advanced assemblying technology. The cable assemblies have outstanding VSWR Typical 1.35:1 @50 GHz, phase stability versus flexture ±5°@50GHz, amplitude stability±0.13dB@50GHz and phase stability 500ppm over -40~+70°C. MIcable can offer 2.4, 2.92, SMP, Multi-Pins connectors for choice, also phase matching and tracking options are available. These cables assemblies are ideal for 5G MIMO testing and equipment inside/external connecting.
